MDR-3200-DR 多普勒雷达流量计是一款基于毫米波雷达技术的全自动流量计,产品采用了K波段平板雷达技术,结合调频连续波(FMCW)雷达的测位功能进行精准水位测量,结合雷达流速与水体以相对速度的多普勒效应等到测量对象的表流速,通过水位与过水断面面积和表面流速与均层流速的关系算法,得出过水断面和流量。MDR-3200-DR 多普勒雷达流量计可结合RTU采集通讯功能,实现水位和表面流速的精准测量,实现断面流量及累计流量精确计算,实现RTU采集通讯功能实现测量、采集、存储、传输与2G/3G/4G/LoRa等通信功能等。
MDR-3200-DR Doppler radar flowmeter is an automatic flowmeter based on millimeter-wave radar technology. The product adopts K-band flat plate radar technology, combines the position detection function of frequeny-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar for accurate water level measurement, combines the radar velocity with the Doppler effect of the relative velocity of the water and the surface velocity of the measured object. Through the algorithm of relation between water level and cross section area and surface velocity and average layer velocity, the cross section and discharge are obtained. MDR-3200-DR Doppler radar flowmeter can be combined with RTU collection and communication function to achieve accurate measurement of water level and surface velocity, to achieve accurate calculation of section flow and cumulative flow, to achieve RTU collection and communication function to achieve measurement, collection, storage, transmission and 2G/3G/4G/LoRa and other communication functions.
MDR-3200-DR 多普勒雷达流量计工作原理/Doppler Radar flowmeter working principle:
MDR-3200-DR 多普勒雷达流量计主要由雷达流速计、雷达水位计组成,流速计用于采集流体表面流速,并经过模型计算得到过水断面平均流速,再结合水位计测得的水位以及断面信息算出过流断面面积,从而利用公式流量=平均流速×过流断面面积×修正系数得到流量,其中修正系数是根据实际测量环境得到的标准值进行计算得到。雷达流量计集成雷达水位计和雷达流速计,雷达水位计天线波束角为11×11°,雷达天线角度为14×32°,水位计照射水面时,照射区域类似一个圆,流速计照射水面时,照射区域类似一个椭圆区域,准确理解雷达波的照射范围有助于选择合适的地方安装,避免一些容易被干扰的场景,如河流两边随风摆动的树枝。
The MDR-3200-DR Doppler radar flowmeter is mainly composed of radar current meter and radar water level meter. The current meter is used to collect the fluid surface velocity, and the average flow rate of the water through the model calculation is obtained, and the outflow section area is calculated by combining the water level measured by the water level meter and the section information. The flow rate is obtained by the formula flow rate = average velocity × area of cross section × correction coefficient, and the correction coefficient is calculated according to the standard value obtained from the actual measurement environment. Radar flowmeter integrates radar water level meter and radar velocity meter, radar water level meter antenna beam Angle is 11×11°, radar antenna Angle is 14×32°, when the water level meter irradiates the water surface, the irradiation area is similar to a circle, when the current meter irradiates the water surface, the irradiation area is similar to an elliptical area, accurate understanding of the irradiation range of radar waves helps to choose the appropriate place to install. Avoid easily disturbed scenes, such as swaying branches on either side of a river.

MDR-3200-DR 多普勒雷达流量计产品特点/Doppler Radar flowmeter Features:
1、雷达水位、流速精准测量,完善流速计量算法/Accurate measurement of radar water level and velocity, perfect velocity measurement algorithm
2、IP67防护等级,体积小巧、安装方便、防雷、防反接设计,适用于各种野外环境/IP67 protection grade, small size, easy installation, lightning protection, anti-reverse design, suitable for a variety of field environment
3、支持蓝牙配置、查询和调试/support Bluetooth configuration, query and debugging
4、具有RTU功能模块时,支持水文、水资源协议上报/with RTU function module, support hydrology, water resources protocol reporting
5、具有RTU功能模块时,支持RTU功能,可采集、控制、联动第三方传感设备/with RTU function module, support RTU function, can collect, control, linkage third-party sensing equipment
6、具有RTU功能模块时,支持远程升级功能/with RTU function module, support remote upgrade function
7、非接触式测量:不受温湿度、压力、风或其他环境条件以及污水腐蚀、泥沙等影响/on-contact measurement: not affected by temperature and humidity, pressure, wind or other environmental conditions and sewage corrosion, sediment and so on
8、多参数测量:适用于多种测量条件,可输出流速、水位、流量等测量数据/multi-parameter measurement: suitable for a variety of measurement conditions, can output flow rate, water level, flow and other
9、标准通讯接口:可设定标准数据通讯接口RS485/Standard communication interface: standard data communication interface RS485 can be set
10、低功耗设计:低功耗、高可靠性、免维护/low power design: low power, high reliability, maintenance-free
11、自带水位滤波算法:数据精确稳定,不受水面波动和漂浮物影响/with water level filtering algorithm: accurate and stable data, not affected by water surface fluctuations and floating objects
12、盲区小,波长短,采用成熟的脉冲工作方式,发射功率极低,对人体和环境无害/ he blind area is small, the wavelength is short, the use of mature pulse working mode, the transmission power is very low, harmless to the human body and the environment
MDR-3200-DR 多普勒雷达流量计应用范围/Doppler Radar flowmeter application range:
1、江河、水库闸口、地下水道管网,灌溉渠道等水位流速测量/iver, reservoir gate, ground sewer network, irrigation channels and other water level flow rate measurement.
2、辅助水处理作业,如城市供水、排污监测等/uxiliary water treatment operations, such as urban water supply, sewage monitoring, etc.
3、流量计量、入水排水流量监测等/low measurement, water inlet and drainage flow monitoring, etc.