MDR-3200-CTD-T 海洋温盐深测量仪,是一种在舰船航行过程中快透测量目标水域温盐深剖面的海洋仪器,特点是测量准确、使用便捷、测量范图宽。该产品采用德克西尔的量子团簇传感器技术。温盐深测量仪主要由XCTD探头(一次性消耗品)、发射器、解调记录单元三部分组成,主要应用领域为海洋科考、环境保护、军事应用等。
MDR-3200-CTD-T Marine thermohaline depth measuring instrument is a kind of Marine instrument which can measure the thermohaline depth profile of the target water area quickly during ship sailing. It is characterized by accurate measurement, convenient use and wide measurement pattern. The product uses Dexil's quantum cluster sensor technology. thermosalinity depth measuring instrument is mainly composed of XCTD probe (disposable consumable), transmitter and demodulation recording unit. The main application fields are Marine scientific research, environmental protection, military applications, etc.

MDR-3200-CTD-T 海洋温盐深测量仪可选传感器/Ocean Temperature and Salinity Measuring instrument Optional sensors:盐度、温度、深度、CO2、溶解氧、荧光、氧化还原电位(ORP)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、酸碱度(pH)、浊度、透过率、电压范围。
Salinity, temperature, depth, CO2, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, REDOX potential (ORP), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), pH, turbidity, transmittance, voltage range
MDR-3200-CTD-T 海洋温盐深测量仪技术参数/Ocean temperature and salinity measuring instrument Technical parameters:
最大测量深度/Maximum depth:2000、1500、800(航速小于等于15节/speed less than or equal to 15 knots)
温度测量范围/Temperature measurement range:-5℃~+45℃
温度测量精度/Temperature measurement accuracy:±0.02℃
深度测量精度/Depth measurement accuracy:±0.1%FS
设备与探头连接方式/Device and probe connection:光缆 /optical cable
重量/Weight(含发射筒/including launcher)::1.5Kg
尺寸/Dimensions(长x最大直径/L x Max diameter): 430 mmx90mm
工作电压/Operating voltage:交流/AC50Hz 220V±10%<1A或直流/or DC10-36V±10% P≤150W
XCTD探头/probe:一次性消耗品/disposable consumable