报警器控制主机采用 7 寸 TFT LCD 显示屏加工业 PLC 控制器组成。显示屏位 26 万真彩显示,四线电阻式触摸板,触摸精度准确,经久耐用,触摸寿命长。触摸屏还配置了高性能 Cortex A8 处理器,主频高达 600MHz, 以及内置 128M Flash,可存储大量数据,此外还支持历史数据 U 盘导出和历史报警 U 盘导出,为后期数据分析提供便利。
The alarm control host is composed of 7 inch TFT LCD display processing PLC controller. Display 260,000 true color display, four-wire resistive touch pad, accurate touch precision, durable, long touch life. The touch screen is also equipped with a high-performance Cortex A8 processor with a main frequency of up to 600MHz, and a built-in 128M Flash for storing large amounts of data, in addition to supporting historical data USB disk export and historical alarm USB disk export for later data analysis.
特色功能/Special function:
Password login to prevent misoperation by irrelevant personnel;
Free channel Settings, convenient for flexible configuration;
3、历史数据查询、U 盘导出;
Historical data query, U disk export;
4、历史报警查询、U 盘导出;
Historical alarm query, U disk export;
The historical data recording interval can be set.
Historical data clearing, historical alarm clearing, restore factory Settings;
7、4 种报警方式自由设置;
4 kinds of alarm mode set freely;
Time display and setting;
Password change;
10、同时支持最多 32 路 485 设备+16 路 4-20mA 设备;
Supports up to 32 485 devices +16 4-20mA devices at the same time.
The real-time trend chart and historical trend chart of the opened channel data are convenient for users to visually view the data trend;
12、PLC 自带 8 路无源干接点输出,可根据用户需求配备继电器扩展模块等等。
PLC comes with 8 passive dry contact output, can be equipped with relay expansion module according to user requirements and so on.
详细参数/Detailed parameter:
1、功耗/Power dissipation:<7W
2、测量单位/Unit of measurement:ppm、ppb、%LEL、%VOL、mg/m3、mg/L、g/m3、ug/m3、%rh、℃、MPa、KPa、Pa 等等
3、安装方式/Installation mode:壁挂式
4、报警设定/Alarm setting:4 种方式自由设定
5、接收信号/Received signal:4-20MA、RS485(标准 Modbus 协议)
6、报警方式/Alarm mode:蜂鸣器报警及报警信息实时显示
7、存储/store:可存储 2000 条报警记录;可存储 10 万条历史数据;报警记录及历史数据均可用 U 盘导出
8、输出触点/Output contact:PLC 自带 8 个常开触点,触点容量 24VDC/10A 或 AC220V/1A,继电器扩展模块,触点容量 30V/3A 或 250V/3A。输出触点可交互配置
原理示意图/Schematic diagram:

图 控制器内部接线示意图
菜单设置示意图/Menu setup diagram: