产品简介/Product introduction
The manhole cover status + smoke sensing intelligent monitoring terminal includes two parts: manhole cover transaction and smoke sensing intelligence, which is mainly used to monitor whether the manhole cover status is normal and whether there is a fire event in the power well. The product is installed under the manhole cover, and the manhole cover is placed horizontally as normal. The alarm will be triggered when the manhole cover tilts and meets the trigger alarm condition (for example, the inclination Angle is greater than 10° (the inclination Angle can be set)), or when a combustion fire occurs in the power well. The terminal sends the alarm signal to the monitoring center through wireless transmission, and the monitoring center analyzes the data and judges the alarm. The terminal product can provide LoRaWAN, NBIOT, GPRS three wireless communication mode, which uses battery power supply, with easy installation, long battery life, high detection accuracy, stable work and so on.
工作原理/Working principle
| 井盖当前角度值 – 井盖背景角度值 | > 报警角度阈值。
The manhole cover status + smoke sensing intelligent monitoring terminal is installed on the back of the manhole cover. The terminal measures the current inclination Angle of the manhole cover through the acceleration sensor, and monitors whether there is smoke through the smoke sensor. When the inclination value is greater than the set alarm value or there is smoke, the alarm is triggered (when the inclination is greater than 90°, unconditional alarm), and the alarm information is sent to the monitoring center through the wireless network. The terminal supports setting the periodic reporting interval and alarm Angle threshold. In the non-alarm state, the terminal sends the reported packets at a periodic reporting interval. In the alarm state, the terminal will immediately send the report message, when the normal recovery, the terminal will immediately send the message to the platform. The "Device Status" bit in the message indicates the current alarm status. The "Device Status" bit can also indicate the current battery status and other states.
The detection conditions of manhole cover transaction are:
| current Angle value of manhole cover - background Angle value of manhole cover | > Alarm Angle threshold.
When this condition is met, alarm information is sent. When the Angle is greater than 90°, unconditional alarm.