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来源:德克西尔 时间:2024-05-06 13:25:47








        1. 实时监测与报警:倾角传感器能实时监测提升机平台的倾斜状态,一旦角度超过预设的安全阈值,立即向操作员发出警报,及时采取措施避免事故发生。

        2. 精确控制:在自动调节系统中,倾角传感器的数据可直接用于控制提升机的液压或电动驱动系统,自动调整平台至水平状态,确保装载和卸载过程的平稳。

        3. 提高作业效率:通过减少因手动调整平台角度导致的时间损失,倾角传感器有助于提升整体作业效率,特别是在连续作业的场合。

        4. 延长设备寿命:通过减少不必要的机械应力和磨损,倾角传感器有助于保护提升机的结构完整性,延长其使用寿命。













Vehicle hydrogen sensor: an important guardian in the field of new energy vehicles

Vehicle hydrogen sensor: an important guardian in the field of new energy vehicles

        Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the field of new energy vehicles is booming with an unprecedented trend, and Vehicle  hydrogen sensors play a crucial role in this process.        With the increasing attention of the world to environmental protection and the profound understanding of the traditional energy crisis, hydrogen energy vehicles, as a new energy transportation tool with great potential, have gradually entered people's vision. As a clean and efficient energy source, hydrogen has many advantages such as only water as the combustion product and high energy density. However, as a coin has two sides, hydrogen brings many benefits at the same time, there are certain security risks. Due to the flammable and explosive characteristics of hydrogen, once a leak occurs, if it is not found in time and effective measures are taken, it is very likely to cause serious safety accidents. This makes the need for real-time monitoring of hydrogen leakage increasingly urgent, and the on-board hydrogen sensor comes into being, and its application is becoming more and more extensive.        At present, in the global car hydrogen sensor market, Japan's FIS, Riken and New Universe companies still occupy a major position. With years of technical accumulation and rich research and development experience in the field of hydrogen sensors, these companies have launched a series of excellent performance, stable and reliable on-board hydrogen sensor products. Their sensors are industry-leading in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and response time and are widely used in hydrogen vehicles from major automotive manufacturers around the world. For example, Japan's FIS hydrogen sensor has won the favor of many automobile manufacturers with its high-precision detection ability and excellent stability. Riken's products are outstanding in terms of anti-interference ability and durability, providing a strong guarantee for the safe operation of hydrogen energy vehicles. The on-board hydrogen sensor from Japan's COSMOS has achieved remarkable results in miniaturization and intelligence, making it better suited to the integration needs of modern automotive electronic systems.        However, in recent years, domestic enterprises are not outdone, and continue to make efforts in the field of vehicle hydrogen sensors. Among them, Dexil is the leader in domestic enterprises. Dexil actively invested research and development resources, and after unremitting efforts, successfully launched hydrogen related sensor products based on quantum conductivity principle based on cluster beam deposition technology. These products not only gradually approach the international advanced level in performance, but also have obvious advantages in cost control and localized services. Dexil's on-board hydrogen sensors have been applied in new energy vehicles, making important contributions to the development of the domestic hydrogen energy vehicle industry. Through close cooperation with domestic automobile manufacturers, Dexil continuously optimizes product performance and improves product quality to meet the strict requirements of the market for on-board hydrogen sensors.        The rise of domestic enterprises is not only the embodiment of China's efforts and progress in scientific and technological innovation, but also brings hope for breaking foreign technology monopoly and realizing domestic substitution. With the strong support for the domestic hydrogen energy vehicle industry and the growing market demand, more and more domestic enterprises have begun to get involved in the field of vehicle hydrogen sensors. They increase investment in research and development, introduce high-end talents, strengthen cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions, and strive to improve their technical strength. At the same time, domestic enterprises also give full play to local advantages, according to the characteristics and needs of the domestic market, to develop more targeted and adaptable products. For example, some companies have carried out bold innovations in the intelligence and networking of sensors, so that the on-board hydrogen sensor can achieve better integration and collaboration with other electronic systems of the car, providing users with more comprehensive and convenient security.        In the future, vehicle hydrogen sensor technology will continue to improve and improve. With the continuous emergence of new materials and new processes, the performance of sensors will be further improved. Vehicle hydrogen sensors with higher accuracy, stronger sensitivity and shorter response time will become the mainstream products in the market. At the same time, with the wide application of artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, on-board hydrogen sensors will become more intelligent and automated. It can not only monitor the hydrogen leakage situation in real time, but also analyze and judge the cause of the leak, and issue warnings and suggestions to users in time. In addition, with the continuous expansion of the global hydrogen energy vehicle market, the market demand for on-board hydrogen sensors will also show explosive growth. Domestic enterprises should seize this opportunity to continuously improve their core competitiveness, actively expand domestic and foreign markets, and contribute more to the vigorous development of China's hydrogen energy automobile industry.        In short, the importance of on-board hydrogen sensors in the field of new energy vehicles is self-evident. Both foreign leading enterprises and domestic emerging forces are contributing to the safe development of hydrogen energy vehicles. Let's look forward to the continuous progress of on-board hydrogen sensor technology to create a safer and more reliable environment for the prosperous development of the new energy vehicle industry. It is believed that in the near future, with the continuous breakthrough of technology and the continuous maturity of the market, on-board hydrogen sensors will become an indispensable part of hydrogen energy vehicles, providing a solid guarantee for human green travel and sustainable development.
What are the advantages of detecting hydrogen by quantum conductivity principle?

What are the advantages of detecting hydrogen by quantum conductivity principle?

        The quantum conductivity principle has the following advantages in detecting hydrogen:        1.High sensitivity:        Very low concentrations of hydrogen can be detected. This is important for early warning of safety hazards such as hydrogen leaks, as even trace amounts of hydrogen leaks can cause safety issues, and quantum conductivity sensors can keenly pick up such small concentration changes.        The detection accuracy of hydrogen is high, and the concentration of hydrogen can be accurately measured, providing reliable data support for relevant application scenarios.        2. High selectivity:        It has high selectivity for hydrogen and can accurately detect hydrogen in complex gas environments to avoid interference from other gases. In practical application scenarios, where a variety of gases are often mixed, quantum conductivity sensors can effectively exclude the influence of other interfering gases and only respond to changes in the concentration of hydrogen.        3. Quick response:        Based on quantum effects, the sensor responds very quickly to hydrogen. When the hydrogen concentration changes, the sensor can quickly sense and react to the dynamic change of hydrogen concentration in real time. This is of great significance for scenarios where hydrogen concentration needs to be monitored in real time, such as hydrogen energy production, storage and transportation.        4. Low power consumption:        Compared with some traditional hydrogen detection methods, quantum conductance hydrogen sensor has lower power consumption. This makes the sensor have an advantage in long-term continuous monitoring, can reduce energy consumption and operating costs, and is also more suitable for some application scenarios with limited energy supply.        5. Small size, easy to integrate:        The structure of quantum conductivity sensors can be designed to be relatively small and easy to integrate into various devices and systems. This provides the possibility for its application in miniaturized, portable hydrogen detection equipment, such as handheld hydrogen detector.        6. Good stability:        The performance of quantum conductivity sensor is relatively stable and not easily affected by environmental factors. In a certain range of conditions such as temperature and humidity, the sensor can maintain a good detection performance and reduce the measurement error caused by environmental changes.        7. Good repeatability:        The results of multiple measurements have a good consistency, which makes the sensor can provide reliable detection data in the long-term use process, which is convenient for users to analyze and judge data.


        电池热失控监测系统对电池包前期产生气体浓度的检测是预防电池热失控事故的重要手段。        一、气体产生的原理与热失控的关联        1.氢气(H₂)        在电池的工作过程中,尤其是在锂离子电池中,当电池内部的电解液发生分解时会产生氢气。例如,在电池过充或者内部短路的情况下,电池的正负极材料可能会与电解液发生异常反应。对于锂金属电池,锂会与电解液中的有机溶剂发生反应,产生氢气。当氢气浓度开始上升,这往往是电池内部发生了严重的副反应,可能是热失控的前奏。因为氢气的产生通常伴随着大量的热量释放,而且氢气本身是一种易燃易爆气体,其积累会增加电池发生爆炸的风险。        2.二氧化碳(CO₂)        二氧化碳的产生也与电池内部的化学反应有关。当电池的负极材料(如石墨)在高温或者异常的电化学反应下,可能会与电解液中的某些成分发生反应,生成二氧化碳。另外,在电池热失控过程中,电池外壳材料或者电池内部的隔膜等有机成分燃烧也会产生二氧化碳。如果监测到二氧化碳浓度升高,这表明电池内部的化学反应已经超出了正常范围,可能是由于电池过热或者内部短路导致的,这是电池热失控正在发展的一个重要信号。        3.一氧化碳(CO)        一氧化碳通常是在电池内部有机成分不完全燃烧或者一些复杂的化学反应中产生的。比如,当电池隔膜受热分解或者电解液中的有机溶剂在高温下分解时,可能会产生一氧化碳。一氧化碳是一种有毒气体,它的出现意味着电池内部已经出现了较为严重的热失控情况,可能是由于电池长时间处于高温环境或者遭受了严重的外部撞击等原因导致的。        二、气体检测技术原理        1.电化学传感器        电化学传感器是检测气体浓度的常用技术之一。对于氢气检测,它利用氢气在电化学传感器中的电极表面发生氧化反应,产生电流信号。根据法拉第定律,产生的电流大小与氢气的浓度成正比。这种传感器具有高灵敏度和较好的选择性,能够在较低的氢气浓度下就发出警报。        对于一氧化碳和二氧化碳的检测,电化学传感器同样基于它们在电极表面的电化学反应。一氧化碳在传感器的工作电极上被氧化,二氧化碳则通过与传感器内的电解质发生反应,产生相应的电信号,从而实现对这两种气体浓度的精确测量。        2.红外吸收光谱技术        红外吸收光谱技术是基于不同气体分子对特定波长红外光的吸收特性。二氧化碳和一氧化碳在红外波段有特征吸收峰。例如,二氧化碳在 4.26μm 附近有强烈的吸收峰,一氧化碳在 4.6μm 左右有吸收峰。通过发射红外光并检测被气体吸收后的光强度变化,就可以计算出气体的浓度。这种技术具有高精度、非接触式的优点,能够快速准确地测量气体浓度,并且可以同时检测多种气体。        3.半导体气体传感器        半导体气体传感器利用某些金属氧化物半导体(如 SnO₂、ZnO 等)在吸附气体分子后其电学性能(如电阻)发生变化的原理。对于氢气检测,当氢气分子吸附在半导体表面时,会导致半导体的电阻下降。通过测量电阻的变化,可以确定氢气的浓度。对于一氧化碳和二氧化碳,也有类似的基于半导体材料与气体相互作用导致电学性质改变的检测机制,不过其选择性相对较弱,需要结合其他技术来提高对特定气体的检测准确性。        三、基于气体浓度检测的预警与控制策略        1.预警阈值设定        根据电池的类型、容量、工作环境等因素,设定不同气体浓度的预警阈值。例如,对于氢气浓度,当达到一定的体积分数(如 0.1% - 0.5%)时,系统就会发出一级预警,提示电池可能存在潜在的安全隐患。对于一氧化碳和二氧化碳,根据其与电池热失控的关联程度,也会设定相应的阈值。当一氧化碳浓度达到一定水平(如 50ppm - 100ppm)或者二氧化碳浓度超过一定范围(如 1% - 2%),系统会判断电池的安全状况正在恶化。        2.分级响应措施        当气体浓度超过预警阈值后,系统会采取相应的分级响应措施。在一级预警阶段,可能会启动简单的通风措施,将含有高浓度气体的空气排出电池舱,同时降低电池的充放电功率,以观察电池状态是否能够恢复正常。        如果气体浓度继续上升,达到二级预警甚至更高等级的预警,系统会采取更为激进的措施。例如,紧急切断电池的充放电电路,启动冷却系统,甚至通知相关人员进行紧急撤离,以避免电池热失控引发的严重后果,如火灾或者爆炸。




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