Handheld hydrogen leak detectors are mainly based on several different detection techniques, the most common of which are the catalytic combustion principle and the electrochemical principle. The catalytic combustion leak detector has a catalytic element inside, when hydrogen and oxygen in the air meet and burn on the catalytic element, heat will be generated, and the sensor will be converted into an electrical signal, so as to detect the presence and concentration of hydrogen. The electrochemical type uses the chemical reaction of hydrogen on a specific electrode to generate an electric current, and the size of the current is proportional to the hydrogen concentration, so as to determine the hydrogen concentration. Both technologies allow the device to quickly and accurately locate hydrogen leaks in a short amount of time.
The handheld hydrogen leak detector MDR-3001 based on quantum tunneling effect in cluster array developed by our company can respond to the change of hydrogen concentration in less than 2 seconds. This hydrogen concentration detection sensor is produced by a new technology and has the characteristics of fast response speed, short recovery time, strong anti-interference ability and low power consumption, which has achieved a breakthrough in performance. It has basically replaced catalytic combustion and electrochemical sensors.