MDR-3620S 是一款工业级一体式数显倾角仪;内部核心器件采用双通道测斜单元,集成高速CPU处理器实时解算重力场变化值,数据经过核心专利算法进行滤波、补偿、修正等处理,把角度值通过液晶显示屏显示出来,用户可直接观测数据。核心专利算法保证产品能长期保证精度和重复性,交叉轴误差可以忽略。测量精度0.1°、分辨率0.01°。全金属外壳为产品提供牢固保护;内置可充电锂电池,一次充电满足8小时以上工作时长;高清液晶显示屏,满足夜间工作需求;四面采用强磁,方便客户安装使用。测量准确、性能稳定;独特的为应用在工业领域设计的抗电磁干扰电路,是一款真正的工业级倾角数显仪。
MDR-3620S is an industrial-grade integrated digital display inclinometer. The internal core device adopts a dual-channel inclinometer unit and integrates a high-speed CPU processor to calculate the gravity field change value in real time. The data is filtered, compensated and corrected by the core patented algorithm, and the Angle value is displayed through the LCD screen, so that users can directly observe the data. The core patented algorithm ensures that the product can ensure long-term accuracy and repeatability, and the cross-axis error can be ignored. Measuring accuracy 0.1°, resolution 0.01°. The full metal shell provides solid protection for the product; Built-in rechargeable lithium battery, a charge to meet more than 8 hours of working time; Hd LCD screen to meet the needs of night work; Four sides with strong magnetic, easy to install and use. Accurate measurement, stable performance; A unique anti-electromagnetic interference circuit designed for industrial applications, it is a true industrial-grade tilt digital display.
主要特性/Main characteristics
双轴倾角检测 /Dual-axis inclination detection
0~±90°量程(可选)/0~± 90 ° range (optional)
0.1°精度级,分辨率0.01° / 0.1 ° accuracy level, 0.01 ° resolution
高清液晶屏/Hd LCD screen
锂电池供电 /Lithium battery power supply
一次充电8小时以上/More than 8 hours per charge
(L83*W53*H19mm) 尺寸/ (L83*W53*H19mm) size
默认IP54防水等级 /Default IP67 waterproof grade
-20~+70℃宽温工作 /-20~+70 ℃ wide temperature operation
应用场景/Application scenario
基坑检测/Foundation pit detection
桥梁检测/Bridge detection
货架检测/ Shelf inspection
山体监测/Mountain monitoring
围栏监测/Fence monitoring
机械调平/Mechanical leveling
杆、塔监测/Pole and tower monitoring
建筑物检测/Building detection
光伏工程监测/Photovoltaic project monitoring
设备检测控制/Equipment detection control
旋挖钻机检测/Rotary drilling rig inspection
其他角度类检测及控制/Other angle detection and control

安装方式/Installation mode