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Project case of hydrogen detection system in data center and power supply room

来源:Drksir 时间:2023-03-10 14:29:06

1、 How is hydrogen generated

       In the financial data center, telecom data center, commercial office building, etc., emergency power supply and standby power supply systems are installed in the power supply room, and battery is an effective energy storage medium. Almost all standby power supply systems and emergency power supply UPS should use battery as the energy storage medium; These batteries mainly use acid and alkaline batteries such as lead-acid batteries and nickel metal batteries. After the battery is used, it needs to be recharged to recover its capacity. No matter what type of battery is used, a certain amount of hydrogen will be discharged from the battery room during the charging process. The faster the charging speed is, the faster the hydrogen will be generated.
Function and setup system diagram of gas detection system

2、 CO2 production process

         The electronic components in various computer rooms will produce trace amounts of carbon dioxide when they work. Large computer rooms or high-power computer rooms produce more carbon dioxide, while the computer rooms are usually relatively closed. The gas fluidity is not strong, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will gradually increase, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will be higher for a long time, which will cause harm to human body. At the same time, the high and low voltage distribution room, transformer room, frequency converter room, voltage stabilization room, generator room and other rooms that cannot be put out with water should be equipped with gas fire extinguishing systems other than carbon dioxide, such as heptafluoropropane, IG100, IG541 and other clean gas fire extinguishing systems.

3、 Hazards of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in data center

3.1 Hydrogen is a flammable gas, lighter than air, and also a clean energy, but everything has two sides. Improper handling of flammable substances, or not handling, will lead to the risk of combustion and explosion. The hydrogen generated during the charging process of the battery in the machine room is easily gathered at the top in the small space of the protective machine room, while the lower explosive limit of hydrogen is 4% VOL, and the explosive concentration range is 4% VOL-75.6VOL. When burning, the flame color is light blue, which is almost invisible. It is easy to cause danger to human life, damage to equipment, and even damage to the data center. Although hydrogen explosion is not a common occurrence, any standby power supply system has this risk, and these risks can be detected in real time through online gas detection equipment. When the concentration rises, alarm in advance, or linkage ventilation equipment can be used to reduce the concentration. Prevent possible accidents.

3.2 The electronic components in various computer rooms will produce trace amounts of carbon dioxide when they work. Large computer rooms or high-power computer rooms produce more carbon dioxide, while the computer rooms are usually relatively closed. The gas mobility is not strong, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will gradually increase, and the concentration will be higher for a long time, which will cause harm to human body. At the same time, high and low voltage distribution rooms, transformer rooms, frequency converter rooms, voltage stabilization and frequency stabilization rooms, generator rooms and other rooms that cannot be put out with water shall be equipped with gas fire extinguishing systems other than carbon dioxide, such as heptafluoropropane, IG100, IG541 and other clean gas fire extinguishing systems.

4、 Alarm value setting and installation

4.1 According to the lower explosive limit concentration of hydrogen is 4% VOL and 100% LEL, the low alarm value is set at 20% LEL, and the high alarm value is set at 40% LEL. When the instrument concentration reaches the low alarm, ventilation is required to reduce the concentration.

4.2 According to the Occupational Exposure Limit of Hazardous Factors in the Workplace, the allowable concentration for short time (within 15 minutes) is 1% VOL, and the alarm value should be set with a low alarm point of 0.2% VOL and a high alarm point of 0.4% VOL.

4.3 At present, the installation quantity of the data room depends on the specific situation. A separate set should be installed in each cabinet in the confined space. Because hydrogen is heavier than air, the installation position is on the top. The wireless scheme cannot be adopted for the combustible gas field. It is generally recommended to connect each detection terminal in series through RS-485 bus system. Realize real-time monitoring.

4.4 The machine room is equipped with carbon dioxide detection equipment. The number of installations depends on the size of the specific area. Generally, it is recommended to install one within a radius of 7.5 meters, and the installation height is recommended to be 1.5 meters. The detection purpose is to prevent people from fainting after entering due to high carbon dioxide concentration and low oxygen concentration










        氢气传感器根据不同的分类方式可以分为多种类型。以下是根据三种不同的分类方式对氢气传感器进行的分类说明:        1. 根据工作原理分类(第一种分类方式)        1)半导体型传感器:主要以金属氧化物为气敏材料,如SnO₂、ZnO、WO₃等。这类传感器在吸附氢气后,氢气作为施主释放出电子,与化学吸附层中的氧离子结合,从而使载流子浓度发生变化。这种变化与氢气体积分数存在一定的函数关系。        •特征:对氢气敏感,响应速度快,成本相对较低。        •不同点:半导体型传感器对环境温度较为敏感,需要加热以维持最佳工作状态。        2)光纤传感器:使用光信号而非电信号,适用于易爆炸的危险环境。这类传感器避免了因电信号产生的电火花带来的安全隐患。        •特征:安全性能高,适用于易燃易爆场所。        •不同点:光纤传感器通常需要特殊的光纤读出装置,成本相对较高。        3)热电型传感器:在基片上沉积一层热电材料,并在其表面的一部分沉积一层催化金属,如Pt、Pd等。当此敏感元件暴露在含氢气的环境中时,在催化金属的作用下,氢气与氧气反应生成水蒸气并放出热量,形成温差电势。        •特征:热电型传感器响应速度快,稳定性好。        •不同点:需要外部加热以维持催化金属的最佳活性。        2. 根据检测原理分类(第二种分类方式)        1)电化学型氢气传感器:将化学信号转变为电信号从而实现氢气浓度检测。这类传感器由两个电极组成,采用一个电极作为传感元件,另一个电极作为参考电极。        •特征:精度高,稳定性好。        •不同点:对电解液的纯度要求较高。        2)电流型氢气传感器:在行业中应用广泛,对氢进行电化学腐蚀,导致电流与氢浓度值成比例。        •特征:响应快,线性度好。        •不同点:需要稳定的供电电压以确保准确的电流测量。        3)工作电压型氢气传感器:这类传感器最好在零电流下工作,精确测量值为磁感应电极与参考电极之间的相位差或感应。        •特征:适用于需要高精度测量的场合。        •不同点:电路设计较为复杂。        3. 根据材料分类(第三种分类方式)        1)金属氧化物半导体氢气传感器:以SnO₂、ZnO、WO₃等金属氧化物为气敏材料。        •特征:响应速度快,成本相对较低。        •不同点:需要加热以维持最佳工作状态。        2)光纤氢气传感器:使用光纤作为信号传输媒介。        •特征:安全性能高,适用于易燃易爆场所。        •不同点:通常需要特殊的光纤读出装置,成本相对较高。        3)钯合金纳米薄膜氢气传感器:利用金属薄膜对气体的催化分解作用。氢气分子吸附至合金薄膜表面,在钯合金薄膜的催化作用下发生反应。        •特征:响应速度快,灵敏度高。        •不同点:需要特殊的薄膜制备工艺。        结论        氢气传感器根据不同的分类方式可以分为多种类型,每种类型都有其特定的特征和应用场景。选择合适的氢气传感器类型时,需要考虑检测环境的要求、成本预算以及所需的检测精度等因素。


                        一、选择氢气传感器的量程时,应考虑以下因素:       1. 应用环境:首先明确传感器将被安装和使用的具体环境。例如,在实验室环境中,可能需要检测低浓度的氢气泄漏,此时选择低量程(如0-1000 ppm)的传感器更为合适。而在化工厂、氢能源储存和运输等高风险区域,可能需要能够检测较高浓度氢气的传感器,量程如0-10,000 ppm或更大。        2. 安全标准:遵循行业安全规范和法律法规要求。不同行业和国家对于氢气浓度的要求和安全阈值有不同的规定,确保选择的传感器量程能够覆盖这些规定的最低和最高浓度要求。        3. 检测目的:根据检测目的选择量程。如果目的是预防氢气泄漏,低浓度传感器更为敏感;如果是测量氢气爆炸下限程或氢气储存的安全性,则需要量程更宽泛的传感器。        4. 环境因素:考虑环境中的其他气体或物质是否可能干扰传感器,选择具有较好选择性和抗干扰能力的传感器,确保在复杂环境中也能准确测量。        5. 成本效益:平衡性能与成本。高精度、宽量程的传感器通常成本更高,根据实际需求选择性价比高的产品。        二、注意事项:        1. 环境适应性:确保所选传感器能适应使用环境的温度、湿度、压力等条件。        2. 定期校准与维护:无论选择何种量程,都要确保传感器定期进行校准,以维持测量的准确性和稳定性。        3. 响应时间与精度:在需要快速响应的应用中,应选择响应时间短且精度高的传感器。        4. 兼容性与集成性:考虑传感器与现有监控系统或数据采集系统的兼容性,确保数据传输和处理的顺畅。        5. 长期稳定性:选择长期稳定性好、寿命长的传感器,减少更换频率,降低维护成本。        总之,选择氢气传感器的量程是一个综合考量的过程,需根据实际应用场景、安全标准、成本预算及维护需求等多方面因素综合决定。


        固定式氢气传感器的安装方法及注意事项如下所示:        一、安装方法:        1. 位置选择:根据氢气可能泄漏的点,选择易于检测且不会被其他气体干扰的位置安装。        2. 固定安装:使用合适的安装支架或托架,确保传感器稳固,避免震动影响。        3. 接线与调试:按照制造商提供的接线图正确接线,包括电源线、信号输出线等,并进行初始校准和调试。        4. 环境适应:确保安装环境符合传感器的工作温度、湿度等要求,必要时采取防尘、防水措施。        二、注意事项:        1.确保周围无障碍物阻挡传感器检测范围。        2.定期检查传感器的工作状态和清洁传感器表面。        3.遵循安装环境的电气安全规范,确保接地良好。        4.避免安装在直射阳光或温度急剧变化的环境中。                固定式氢气传感器的常见故障及解决办法如下:        1. 信号漂移或不稳定:定期校准传感器,检查并清洁传感器,必要时更换传感器。        2. 无信号输出:检查电源线和信号线连接是否正常,确认电源供应是否稳定。        3. 响应迟缓:检查传感器是否需要清洁或更换滤网,确认检测环境是否符合传感器使用条件。        4. 误报:检查是否有其他气体干扰,调整传感器灵敏度或更换更特异性的传感器。



