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Case of combustible gas detection and installation project in battery workshop

来源:Drksir 时间:2023-03-10 14:24:25

        With the rapid development of economy, some substances in the automobile production workshop are extremely volatile and will explode when they reach a certain concentration in the air. With the development of economy and the requirements for environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, especially the emission of automobile exhaust, have received great attention. Now electric vehicles and electric products have been widely promoted. All electric products have to be powered by batteries, which brings new opportunities to battery manufacturers. However, many hazardous chemicals will be used as raw materials in the battery production process, such as dimethyl carbonate, methyl ethyl carbonate, propylene carbonate, lithium hexafluorocarbonate, and organic solvents, which pose serious safety risks to the health and safety of production workers, and also pose a threat to the company's property safety.

       Dexair has made the following plans for the safety of battery plants through field investigation and detailed analysis:

1. High temperature combustible gas alarm is installed in the battery coating workshop.

       In the process of lithium battery production, the explosion is easy to occur when the high temperature is heated and volatilized to dry through the positive coating process, which brings safety hazards to the production. Therefore, a high temperature combustible gas alarm is installed in the battery coating workshop, and the combustible gas probe can withstand the high temperature of 250 ℃. When the combustible gas exceeds the set concentration, the host of the control probe will send an audible and visual alarm and link the fan of the workshop to work to eliminate the safety hazards and prevent the coating machine from exploding.

2. Normal temperature combustible gas alarm shall be installed in battery semi-cost processing workshop and battery packaging workshop.

       The components in the battery are extremely volatile, and when they reach a certain concentration, they will cause explosion, which brings potential safety hazards to the employees in the production workshop. So a combustible gas alarm is installed every 7 meters in the workshop. At the entrance of the workshop, a Dexair gas control host is used to control the probe in the workshop. There is a relay switch in the host to connect the fan and blower in the workshop. When the probe reaches the alarm value, the host will give an audible and visual alarm, and the relay in the host will work to open the fan and blower, This will ensure that employees in the battery workshop can work safely.

       Drksir specializes in the production of gas detectors and gas alarm equipment, and provides customized solutions for gas monitoring in different environments. After understanding and communication, many battery plants in China have installed Dexair's combustible gas alarms, which provide suitable solutions for these battery plants according to their own requirements and different workshop size and operation methods, and are highly praised by the partners.










        选择氢气传感器的精度,需要根据具体的使用场景、安全要求、成本预算和维护便利性等多方面因素进行综合考虑。不同的应用场景对氢气检测的精度要求不同,以下是一些关键指导原则和不同应用场景下的建议:        一、选择精度的考虑因素:        1. 安全标准:首先,确保所选传感器的精度满足所在行业或地区的安全规范要求。例如,某些危险品存储、运输或生产场所可能有严格的精度要求,以确保及时准确地监测氢气浓度,预防事故。        2. 应用需求:不同应用对精度的要求差异显著。科学研究、实验室分析通常要求更高的精度和分辨率,而工业生产、环境监测可能更注重快速响应和稳定性。        3. 成本与效益:高精度传感器通常成本更高。需要在满足安全和性能需求的前提下,考虑投资回报比,选择性价比高的产品。        4. 环境因素:考虑使用环境的温度、湿度、压力变化对传感器精度的影响。有些传感器在特定环境条件下性能更稳定,选择时需考虑环境适应性。        二、不同应用场景的选择建议:        1. 化工与炼油厂:这些环境中氢气使用广泛,且可能与多种其他气体共存,需要选择高精度、高选择性、能抵抗交叉敏感性的传感器,以确保生产安全和产品质量。        2. 氢能源汽车与加氢站:这些应用中,氢气浓度的准确监测对预防泄漏和爆炸至关重要。通常需要快速响应、高精度的传感器,同时考虑传感器的耐用性和维护便利性。        3. 实验室研究与分析:研究活动中,可能需要精确测量极低浓度的氢气,此时应选择具有高分辨率和低检测限的传感器,确保数据的准确性和可重复性。        4. 矿井安全监测:矿井环境复杂,需要传感器具有良好的稳定性和一定的防爆性能,同时响应时间和精度也需要满足安全监测的即时性要求。        5. 家用及商用场所:这类应用中,虽然对精度要求相对较低,但传感器的长期稳定性和低维护成本更为重要,同时考虑易用性和美观设计。        总之,选择氢气传感器的精度时,要综合考虑应用的具体要求、环境条件、预算限制及长期运行维护的便利性。在可能的情况下,进行现场测试或参考同类应用的成功案例,可以帮助做出更合适的选择。


        氢气传感器的响应时间是指传感器从接触到氢气气体开始,直到其输出信号达到或超过预定稳定值所需要的时间。这一指标衡量了传感器对气体变化的反应速度,对于安全监控和紧急响应至关重要。响应时间越短,传感器就能越快地检测到气体浓度的变化,进而更快地触发警报或采取处置措施,减少潜在的危害发生。        在选择氢气传感器的响应时间时,需要考虑以下几个因素:        1. 应用环境:不同应用场景对响应时间的要求不同。例如,在快速变化的工业生产环境或需要即时安全响应的场合(如矿井、化工厂、燃料电池车辆等),应选择响应时间较短的传感器,以便快速捕捉到危险气体的浓度变化。        2. 安全标准:遵循相关行业的安全标准和规范,这些标准通常会对响应时间有明确要求。例如,在某些危险品储存区域,可能要求传感器的响应时间不超过几秒钟。        3. 气体浓度范围:传感器的响应时间也可能随目标气体浓度而变化。在低浓度环境下,可能需要更敏感、响应更快的传感器,以确保即使在微量泄漏也能及时发现。        4. 传感器类型:不同类型的传感器(如催化燃烧型、电化学型、半导体型或红外型)有着不同的响应特性。例如,半导体传感器通常具有较快的响应时间,适合需要快速响应的场合,但可能在选择性或稳定性方面不如其他类型。        5. 成本与效益:快速响应的传感器可能成本更高。需要权衡响应速度与成本效益,选择最适合自身需求且性价比高的产品。        6. 环境因素:考虑安装环境中的温度、湿度、压力变化对传感器响应时间的影响。某些传感器在特定环境条件下可能表现更优。        综上所述,选择氢气传感器的响应时间时,应综合考虑应用需求、安全规范、环境条件及成本预算,确保所选传感器能够有效且及时地预警潜在的危险。在采购前,建议查阅具体型号的技术参数,进行必要的测试和比较,甚至在实际环境中进行初步测试,以验证其是否满足实际需求。


        实验室用氢气传感器的报警值设定应基于氢气的爆炸极限和安全要求,并结合实验室的具体环境和安全需求。以下是实验室用氢气传感器设定报警值的几点建议:        一、了解氢气的爆炸极限        氢气的爆炸下限(LEL)为4.00%Vol,爆炸上限(UEL)为75.00%Vol。这意味着当空气中氢气的浓度达到4.00%Vol时,遇明火即有燃烧爆炸的危险。        二、报警值的设定        1.一级报警值(低报):        ● 根据《GBT 50493-2019石油化工可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计标准(正式版)》的规定,一级报警设定值应小于或等于25%LEL。        ● 换算成具体浓度,即一级报警值应小于或等于1%Vol(因为4.00%Vol的25%为1%Vol)。        ● 若要换算成ppm值,由于1%Vol等于10000ppm(在标准大气压下),所以一级报警值应为10000ppm。        2.二级报警值(高报):        ● 同样根据《GBT 50493-2019石油化工可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计标准(正式版)》的规定,二级报警设定值应小于或等于50%LEL。        ● 换算成具体浓度,即二级报警值应小于或等于2%Vol(因为4.00%Vol的50%为2%Vol)。        ● 若要换算成ppm值,二级报警值应为20000ppm。        三、注意事项        1.在设定报警值时,应考虑实验室的具体环境和安全需求,如通风条件、室内布局、人员流动等因素。        2.报警值的设定应确保在氢气浓度达到危险水平之前发出警报,以便管理人员及时采取安全措施。        3.定期对氢气传感器进行校准和维护,确保其准确性和可靠性。        4.加强使用人员的培训和意识提升,提高其对氢气安全的认识和操作水平。        综上所述,实验室用氢气传感器的报警值设定应基于氢气的爆炸极限和安全要求,并结合实验室的具体环境和安全需求进行设置。一级报警值建议设定为1%Vol(或10000ppm),二级报警值建议设定为2%Vol(或20000ppm)。同时,应注意加强设备的校准和维护,以及使用人员的培训和安全意识提升。



