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Case study of bridge health full-cycle monitoring system solution project

来源:Drksir 时间:2023-02-10 14:20:01

         As the world's largest bridge country, China has about 100000 large urban bridges, about 70000 railway bridges and more than 800000 highway bridges. In the whole life cycle of the bridge, the maintenance period accounts for 90% of the bridge life. The long-term normal use of the bridge depends not only on the construction quality, but also on the management and maintenance level in the later stage. The traditional inspection methods have many shortcomings, such as requiring a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, affecting the normal traffic operation, long cycle, and poor real-time performance, which limit its direct and effective application in the health monitoring and early warning of large bridges.
Solution of bridge health full-cycle monitoring system

       With the development of the Internet of Things technology, especially the maturity of high-precision inclination sensor technology, the bridge health monitoring system integrating modern testing and sensing technology, network communication technology, signal processing and analysis technology, mathematical theory and structural analysis theory and other disciplines can greatly extend the content of bridge online monitoring, and can continuously, real-time and online monitor and evaluate the "health" status of the structure, It has great guiding significance for the operation safety of bridges and the improvement of the management level of bridges.

       In bridge health monitoring, inclinometers are usually arranged on the bridge deck, tower, pier and suspension cable to measure the deformation of the bridge under load and evaluate the integrity and stability of the bridge structure. Among them, the main purpose of bridge deck deformation monitoring is to determine the important technical parameters such as the stiffness and structural bearing capacity of the bridge in the vertical direction, which are the key reference indicators in the process of bridge identification, reconstruction and new bridge acceptance. Bridge tower is another place that needs to be measured by inclination sensor. The inclination value of bridge tower, to a certain extent, reflects whether the integrity and stability of the bridge structure is affected, and then whether it will endanger the safety of the bridge.

            The monitoring items of super-large bridges can be divided into two parts: load source and structural static and dynamic response. The general principles for determination are as follows:

1. Principles for selection of monitoring items

① According to the importance of various structural components of the bridge in structural safety and the vulnerability of components;

② According to the geographical environment and climatic environment characteristics of the bridge, determine the factors affecting the stress of the bridge structure;

③ Starting from the needs of structural state assessment and operation and maintenance management, it is necessary to make technical preparations for future state identification and structural safety evaluation;

④ The special structure of the bridge should be monitored;

⑤ According to the characteristics of the bridge, capital investment and economy, real-time monitoring and regular monitoring are combined to realize bridge monitoring and early warning.

2. Based on the above principles, combined with the operating environment characteristics and structural stress characteristics and structural characteristics of the bridge site, the monitoring items are divided into environmental parameters and load sources, structural response monitoring, structural durability monitoring and other monitoring:

(1) Load source monitoring items:

① Wind load (including wind speed and direction);

(2) Structural response monitoring:

① Main beam displacement monitoring; ② Stress and strain monitoring; ③ Cable force monitoring of stay cables; ④ Tower inclination monitoring;

          The principle of product selection is: 1 Select the current international advanced technical equipment to ensure the good accuracy, stability, durability and scalability of the system; 2. Select products with good versatility and easy procurement in the market to ensure the maintainability and replaceability of the system; 3. Select products with high performance-price ratio to ensure the best operation of the system at the lowest cost and realize bridge monitoring and early warning; 4. The system has reached the international advanced level. MDR-3600 series ultra-high precision inclination sensing instruments produced by Dexair are selected as high-precision inclination sensing instruments, with sampling frequency of 1Hz.










        选择倾角传感器的测量量程是一项关键的设计决策,应基于具体应用需求和工作环境综合考虑以下几个方面:        1. 应用需求:首先要明确传感器将被用于何种具体场景。例如,如果传感器用于监测桥梁的微小倾斜变化,可能需要高精度、小量程的传感器(如±0.1°至±10°)。而对于监测大型机械臂或车辆的大幅度倾斜,可能就需要大量程的传感器(如±45°至±90°)。        2. 安装位置与角度范围:考虑传感器安装后可能遇到的最大和最小倾斜角度,确保所选量程能够覆盖实际应用中可能出现的所有角度变化。        3. 精度与分辨率:量程与精度通常成反比,即量程越大,精度可能越低。根据应用对测量精度的要求选择合适的量程,确保既满足精度需求又不过度限制传感器的应用范围。        4. 环境因素:考虑使用环境对传感器性能的影响。例如,极端温度、振动或电磁干扰可能会影响传感器的性能,需要选择能够在这些条件下仍能稳定工作的传感器,其量程选择也要考虑到这些外部因素可能引起的误差。        5. 成本与效益:高量程、高精度的传感器往往成本更高。根据项目预算和测量需求的迫切性,权衡成本与性能,选择最具性价比的量程。        6. 未来发展与兼容性:考虑系统未来可能的升级或扩展需求,选择具有一定灵活性和可扩展性的传感器,避免短期内因需求变化而需要更换传感器。        7. 安全边际:在确定量程时,通常会留有一定的安全余量,以防意外情况导致的角度超出预期范围,确保传感器在各种条件下都能正常工作。        综上所述,选择倾角传感器的测量量程是一个需要综合评估多方面因素的过程,确保所选传感器既能满足当前应用需求,又能适应未来可能的变化,同时保持成本效益。


        在倾角传感器中,XY通常代表两个相互垂直的方向轴。这里的X轴和Y轴构成了一个平面内的直角坐标系,用来描述传感器相对于水平面的倾斜角度。        •X轴:通常指东西方向的水平轴,表示左右倾斜的角度。当传感器向东或西方向倾斜时,X轴上的角度值会相应变化。        •Y轴:对应南北方向的水平轴,用于测量前后倾斜的角度。当传感器向前(北)或向后(南)倾斜时,Y轴上的角度值会发生改变。        倾角传感器通过测量这两个轴上的角度变化,可以全面地评估物体在二维平面上的倾斜状态。这种能力对于许多应用来说至关重要,比如在建筑施工、地质勘探、无人机稳定控制、车辆姿态监测以及各类工业自动化设备中,都能确保设备的精确操作和安全运行。通过实时监测并反馈X轴和Y轴的倾斜角度,用户可以及时采取措施,预防因倾斜角度过大而导致的潜在问题。


        在当今高度自动化的工业生产环境中,某些设备必须确保精确的角度测量,这不仅是确保产品品质的关键,也是提高生产效率与安全性的基石。德克西尔倾角传感器,作为这一领域内的佼佼者,凭借其出色的测量精度、强大的环境适应性以及卓越的抗干扰能力,成为众多工业应用场景中的首选解决方案。        一、概述:技术与应用的完美融合        德克西尔倾角传感器,顾名思义,是一种专门设计用于测量物体倾斜角度的精密仪器。它广泛应用于建筑施工、机械制造、自动化生产线、航空航天、船舶制造以及地质勘探等领域,尤其在那些需要对角度变化进行实时监控,并要求极高精度的场合下,发挥着不可替代的作用。        二、静态与动态测量的双重专家        德克西尔传感器的核心优势在于其对静态和慢速动态角度变化的精确测量能力。在静态测量方面,如大型结构的水平校准、桥梁与建筑物的倾斜监测,它能确保角度测量的长期稳定性与准确性。而对于慢速动态变化,比如重型机械臂的定位控制、车辆姿态调整等应用,德克西尔传感器同样能够提供连续、可靠的数据支持,确保动作的平滑与精准。        三、抗干扰:电磁环境下的稳定表现        在现代工业环境中,电磁干扰(EMI)无处不在,从高频无线电波到低频电气设备产生的磁场,这些干扰源都可能对电子设备的正常运行构成威胁。德克西尔倾角传感器在设计时充分考虑了这一点,采用先进的屏蔽技术和电路设计,有效隔离外部电磁干扰,保证测量结果不受影响。即便是在强电磁场的工业现场,如变电站、钢铁厂或高频焊接区域,该传感器依然能够保持稳定的性能输出,确保数据的纯净度与可信度。        四、恶劣环境下的持久耐用        工业环境往往伴随着高温、低温、潮湿、尘土、振动等多种恶劣条件,这对传感器的耐用性和可靠性提出了严峻考验。德克西尔倾角传感器采用坚固耐用的外壳材料,结合高等级的密封技术,确保内部电子元件不受外界环境影响。无论是极端温度变化,还是长时间暴露于潮湿或多尘环境中,它都能维持稳定的工作状态,延长使用寿命,减少维护成本,非常适合在恶劣条件下长期不间断地工作。        五、智能化与集成能力        随着工业4.0时代的到来,传感器不仅要具备基础的测量功能,还需具备良好的智能化和系统集成能力。德克西尔倾角传感器支持多种通信协议,如CAN总线、Modbus、Ethernet/IP等,便于与各种自动化控制系统、PLC或SCADA系统无缝对接,实现数据的快速传输与处理。此外,部分型号还配备了自诊断功能,能够实时监控自身工作状态,及时预警潜在故障,为系统的稳定运行提供了额外保障。        六、结语:引领未来工业测量的新篇章        综上所述,德克西尔倾角传感器以其高精度、强抗干扰、恶劣环境适应性以及智能化集成等特性,成为了工业测量领域的一颗璀璨明星。它不仅满足了当前工业生产对高效率和高质量的追求,更为未来智能工厂的构建奠定了坚实的基础。随着技术的不断进步与创新,德克西尔传感器将持续引领工业测量技术的发展潮流,为全球工业自动化和智能化转型贡献力量。



